My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)

My Singing Monsters Main Character Index
Monsters (Natural | Fire | Magical | Ethereal | Seasonal | Legendary | Mythical | Supernatural | Celestials | Miscellaneous Monsters)

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Natural Monsters

The first and most basic class of Monsters in My Singing Monsters, They are also cheapest to buy, the easiest to breed that and require lower amounts of food to level up. A Natural Monster manifests with one or more elements which are: Plant, Cold, Air, Water, and/or Earth and they normally inhabit all of the Natural Islands which are: Plant Island, Cold Island, Air Island, Water Island, Earth Island, and Gold Island, but also can be found living on the Fire and Magical Islands. All of them can be found on the Continent in Dawn of Fire.

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In General

  • Elemental Powers: Breeding certain monsters in-game is based on the elements each monsters have, Plant, Cold, Air, Water, and Earth.
  • Starter Mon: The single-element monsters are the first and most basic creatures that your island starts out with and all 5 are the foundation of the many species found.

Single Element Monsters



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (1)

Voice Actor: Matthew J. Stewart




Element: Plant

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Earth, Haven, Light, Psychic, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 1

Cost to Buy: 250 coins (Plant), 2,000 coins (Composer), 250 diamonds (Shugabush), 25 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 187 coins (Islands), 1,500 coins (Composer)

Potbellies are all Plant, and grow like weeds. They are welcome participants in the chorus, so long as they wear their pots and refrain from invading others' space.
Rare Bio
Epic Bio
Baby Bio (D.o.F.)
Adult Bio (D.o.F.)

  • Exposed Animal Belly Button: Potbellies have a visible belly button.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Possibly. Its bio in the first game states that Potbellys grow like weeds, but are created in both games by hatching their eggs. Seeing as the Potbellys have two heads, and are stated to be all plant, it may have meant that it would be a similar situation to where some “forests” are actually considered a single, large tree.
  • Green Thumb: Is pure Plant element.
  • Meaningful Name: Common Potbellies have pot bellies. Becomes an Ironic Name as Rare Potbellies are physically fit and muscular.
  • Multiple Head Case: Has two heads, one at the end of the main stem, and one on an offshoot. The rare Potbelly has three.
  • Plant Person: A literal plant that can sing.
  • Punny Name: The Potbellies have pot bellies, and are in a pot up to their bellies.
  • Shout-Out: One of the possible random names for it is Audrey.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (2)

Voice Actor: Matthew J. Stewart

Element: Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Earth, Oasis, Light, Faerie, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 2

Beds Available: 1

Cost to Buy: 300 coins (Plant), 2,000 coins (Composer), 250 diamonds (Shugabush), 25 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 225 coins (Islands), 1,500 coins (Composer)

Mammotts’ luxurious fur ensures that these Cold elementals are never chilly. Tangles, however, are an ongoing issue. Their resonant anthem celebrates blizzards and frosted windows. Mammotts do not shovel snow.

  • An Ice Person: Is pure Cold element.
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Its appearance resembles that of a yeti.
  • Series Mascot: The Mammott is prominently used to promote the main games. They even have their own spin-off virtual pet app, My Mammott as well as plush toys of them among other merchandise.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In Fandemonium.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (3)

Voice Actress/es: Ceris Anne Thomas, Maggie Park, Karen Chalmers

Element: Air

Native Island(s): Cold, Air, Water, Earth, Haven, Oasis, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 4

Beds Available: 1

Cost to Buy: 300 coins (Cold), 2,000 coins (Composer), 25 diamonds (Colossingum) | 75 diamonds or 1,000 Starpower (Rare) | 250 diamonds (Epic)

Cost to Sell: 225 coins (Islands), 1,500 coins (Composer) | 56,250 coins (Rare) | 187,500 coins (Epic)

Tweedles are nothing but Air! These flighty creatures really get around, and see themselves as fashionable and popular. Tweedles love to spread whispers and gossip, keeping the social life on their Island very interesting.

  • Blow You Away: Is pure Air element.
  • Body Horror: Compared to it's Common and Rare counterpart, you wouldn't think that the Epic was cut from the same cloth at first glance, with its horns and feet matching, no beak, a third eye and bat-like wings.
  • Gossipy Hens: They keep the social life on their islands interesting because they love to spread whispers and gossip.

Toe Jammer

Toe Jammer

My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (4)

Voice Actor: Dave Kerr

Element: Water

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Oasis, Psychic, Bone, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 4

Beds Available: 1

Cost to Buy: 250 coins (Plant), 2,000 coins (Composer), 25 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 187 coins (Islands), 1,500 coins (Composer)

While Toe Jammers may appear fragile, these rubbery Water elementals are very tough. Toe Jammers sing of liquid wonders: deep sea leviathans, crashing surf, flooded basem*nts, and bubble tea!

  • Blob Monster: Is liquid-like and in the shape of a gumdrop.
  • Making a Splash: Is pure Water element.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Marshmallows for its Rare.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (5)

Instrument/s: Cajon, Bongos, Timbales, Congas, Doholla, Djembe

Element: Earth

Native Island(s): Plant, Air, Water, Earth, Haven, Faerie, Bone, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 1

Beds Available: 1

Cost to Buy: 300 coins (Plant), 2,000 coins (Composer), 25 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 225 coins (Islands), 1,500 coins (Composer)

Noggins are basically musical rocks. Deeply in tune with the Earth, their simple rhythms echo an Island’s pulse. The sensation of reverberation produced by a Noggin motivates all other monsters.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is pure Earth element.
  • Magma Man: The Epic is much more volcanic in appearance than the common noggin.
  • Meaningful Name: Its body is basically one big head.
  • Rock Monster: Its a cylindrical rock with eyes, hands and feet.
  • Starter Mon: The first monster available in the original game. Also the first monster alongside Kayna in Dawn of Fire.
  • Waddling Head: Is essentially a head with hands and feet.

Double Element Monsters



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (6)

Voice Actor: Dave Kerr

Element/s: Air, Earth

Native Island(s): Air, Water, Earth, Haven, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Cold), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 11,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

Much more than mere gizmos, Cybops are deep thinkers, and vibrantly alive. Occasionally, Cybops need reminders that attempting to scavenge the body parts of other Monsters for personal repair is not socially acceptable.

  • Blow You Away: Is half Air.
  • Cyborg: Are part machine and part organic material. They need to be reminded that it’s not socially acceptable to scavenge the body parts of other monsters to repair themselves.
  • Cyclops: Has one eye.
  • Dem Bones: Their tails appear to be mostly exposed vertebrae.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is half Earth.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: On the first island that it’s available (Air Island), the Cybop makes an electrical/robot noise, but for every island afterwards, it speaks a few words that have a robotic sound to them instead.
  • Fan Boy: The Cybop is a huge fan of the Ethereal Jellbilly monster, so much so that Jellbillys receive fan mail from their Cybop admirers. They do reply to all the fan mail they receive, though. Subverted with the Rare variant.
  • Portmanteau: Cybop is one between "cyclops" and "bop".
  • Suddenly Speaking: Says "Everybody come on, let's go" during its standard song in Dawn of Fire.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (7)

Voice Actress: Maggie Park

Element/s: Air, Plant

Native Island(s): Cold, Water, Earth, Haven, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Cold), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 11,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

With downy puffs shimmering in the slightest breath of wind, a Dandidoo sashays elegantly across the landscape. It is much less inclined to strut after it has gone to seed and the puffs have blown away.

  • Blow You Away: Is half Air.
  • Green Thumb: Half plant elemental.
  • Multiple Head Case: Played with. The rare Dandidoo has two heads, with a “single intelligence” split between them.
  • Plant Person: Has dandelion-like “puffs” around its head and for its tail feathers, which can be blown away.
  • Shout-Out: The rare Dandidoo’s color scheme resembles Thing One and Thing Two, and are noted to be fixated on the idea of "Ghazts in hats for some reason".



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (8)

Instrument: Snare Drum

Element/s: Earth, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Air, Earth, Faerie,Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold,

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 4,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

One would not expect the progeny of Earth and Cold to be an elastic creature, but the Drumpler is exactly that. Its tough abdominal hide can be stretched taut to produce sound, yet the Drumpler experiences no discomfort whatsoever.

  • An Ice Person: Is half Cold.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is half Earth.
  • Extra Eyes: Its Rare has a total of six eyes, which is lampshaded in its description.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (9)

Voice Actor: Dave Kerr

Element/s: Plant, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Earth, Light, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold,

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 300 diamonds (Shugabush), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 7,500 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

This tiny, delicate creature maintains a steady internal temperature by fluffing or flattening its silky green pelt. Furcorns are special. Protect them.

  • An Ice Person: Is half Cold.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is characterized as such in Fandemonium.
  • Green Thumb: Half plant elemental.
  • Plant Person: Its body is covered in a green fur, and it has a stem with a leaf at the end coming out of its head.
  • Series Mascot: Like Mammott, Furcorn is used as the icon of the game and have some merch.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In Dawn of Fire on Party Island and in Fandemonium.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (10)

Voice Actor: Matthew J. Stewart

Element/s: Earth, Water

Native Island(s): Plant, Air, Water, Bone, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold,

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 4,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

Emerging from its muddy birthplace, the Fwog sings passionately in the hope of attracting a companion. Its hypnotic call fills the air, stirring the most primal feelings of excitement in all Monsters.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is half Earth.
  • Extra Eyes: Has three eyes. Subverted with its rare and epic counterpart, however.
  • Making a Splash: Is half Water.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (11)

Voice Actor: Erick Desjardins

Element/s: Water, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Oasis, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold,

Level Available:

Beds Available:

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 4,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

The eyeless Maw is a refined combination of Cold and Water elements. Its dense fur acts as a general sensory organ, and provides efficient insulation to maintain a liquid body interior. Maws are a little mouthy. Tonguey too.

  • An Ice Person: Is half Cold.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Despite having no eyes, Maw pups "see" in every shade of pink possible by tasting the air around them with their tongues. An adult maw’s fur acts as a "general sensory organ", besides providing insulation to maintain a "liquid body interior".
  • Making a Splash: Is half Water. Its body interior is liquid.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (12)

Voice Actor: Matthew J. Stewart

Element/s: Plant, Water

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Water, Psychic, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 300 diamonds (Shugabush), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 7,500 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

This amphibious hybrid of Plant and Water is comfortable in any environment. The Monster's 'roots' are actually powerful tentacles that carry the Oaktopus rapidly across landscapes, and propel it efficiently through water.

  • Body Horror: The Epic, thanks to the RitRawt infecting it.
  • Green Thumb: Is half Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is half Water.
  • Plant Person: Is an oak tree with octopus tentacles



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (13)

Instrument: Castanets

Element/s: Air, Cold

Native Island(s): Cold, Air, Earth, Oasis, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Cold), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 11,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

One would not expect a monster born of Air and Cold to be flightless and perpetually chilly, however, this is the Pango's reality. The Pango must content itself with remaining on the ground and chattering, playing its part in the endless chorus.

  • An Ice Person: Is half Cold. The talons of rare Pangos appear to be made of ice.
  • Appropriate Animal Attire: Of the "Winter attire" kind, with a red scarf. The normal Pango's winter skin has mittens, and adds some green stripes to the scarf.
  • Blow You Away: Is half Air.
  • Irony: Despite being half-Air and half-Cold, it can't fly, and is perpetually chilly.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (14)

Instrument: Grand Piano

Element/s: Air, Water

Native Island(s): Cold, Air, Water, Oasis, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Cold), 4,000 coins (Composer), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 11,250 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

Soaring high above, Quibbles are able to spot and collect resonant rocks with which to build their clever keyboards. This happens only occasionally of course, when the two Quibble minds are able to agree on a single purpose.

  • Blow You Away: Is half Air.
  • Connected All Along: While the other Epics resemble their common and Rare counterparts, Epic Quibble appears to be a completely unrelated monster of a similar body shape to the common Quibble. Dawn of Fire, on the other hand, reveals that Epic Quibble really is a relative of the Quibbles, as it's actually the red variant of a Quibble that has gone through the Prism Gate. The genetic similarities, on the other hand, are still rather unclear considering going through the Prism Gate changes monsters down to a molecular level.
  • Making a Splash: Is half Water.
  • Multiple Head Case: Has two heads that rarely agree with each other.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (15)

Voice Actor: Erick Desjardins

Element/s: Plant, Earth

Native Island(s): Plant, Water, Earth, Haven, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 2

Cost to Buy: 30 diamonds (Plant), 4,000 coins (Composer), 300 diamonds (Shugabush), 35 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 7,500 coins (Islands), 3,000 coins (Composer)

The willowy Shrubb performs continually in a graceful ballet. This statuesque monster has astounding stamina, ensuring a steady source of modulation and sprayed saliva for the entire island chorus.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is half Earth.
  • Green Thumb: Is half Plant.

Triple Element Monsters



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (16)

Instrument: Cello

Element/s: Plant, Water, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Plant), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 16,000 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

The Bowgart loves to stand in puddles. It sucks a muddy mixture of Earth and Water through its feet to feed rapid horn growth. When shed, a horn will be strung and tuned, then replace the Bowgart's old instrument.

  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Its bio in the first game states that it sucks mud through its feet to “feed rapid horn growth”. Ones that prefer standing in & sucking up melted icecream instead eventualy get twisted into an epic form from the sugar rush. The Epic’s horns are changed at a chemical level, growing in gnarled spires, breaking off like peanut brittle instead of falling off, and its fur becomes "a warm caramel hue, reminiscent of a pecan-butterscotch swirl".
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.
  • Shout-Out: The Bowgart gets its name from Humphrey Deforest Bogart.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: Has four arms and is mammalian.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (17)

Instrument: Cymbal (Hi-hat, Crash)

Element/s: Plant, Earth, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Earth, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Plant), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 16,000 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

The vine-like Clamble protects its tender Plant head with flat metallic shells. As it grows, it saves the cast-off plates. While the element of Cold is in its family tree, the Clamble's green parts do not tolerate freezing.

  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Irony: Its bio states that the Clamble's "green parts do not tolerate freezing" despite it being part Cold.
  • Plant Person: Has leaf-life arms.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (18)

Instrument: Conga Drum | Voice Actor: Dave Kerr

Element/s: Air, Water, Cold

Native Island(s): Cold, Air, Oasis, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Cold), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 18,750 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

So that's what happens to the shells when Monsters hatch! Congles are great recyclers, and use a lot of drums. Eggshells can only stand so much pounding, after all.

  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.
  • Suddenly Voiced: When placed on Tribal island in the first game, it will sing "Come on, let's go" with Pom Pom.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (19)

Voice Actress: Maggie Park

Element/s: Air, Earth, Cold

Native Island(s): Air, Earth, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Air), 8,000 coins (Composer), 500 diamonds (Shugabush), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 18,750 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

The PomPom grows brilliant pink plumes by eating only foods that are red. The pelt may grow to be very long. While dancing and emitting its strident cry, the PomPom is an arresting sight.

  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Cute Monster Girl: While the monsters are not stated to have genders, the PomPom has a distinctly feminine appearance.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: In Dawn of Fire, where you can give any Monster any items in your storage, you can feed PomPom anything regardless of the color, in spite of the fact that Common PomPoms eat exclusively red-colored foods.
  • Pom-Pom Girl: Resembles and acts like one; this is also referenced in its name.
  • Prenatal Possessions: As stated by My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (20)Word of God, its namesake pompoms actually form alongside it while in the egg, acting as cushions for the unborn Monsterling to provide extra protection until it hatches and repurposes them.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Is one of the very few vocal monsters. It speaks a lot more in Fandemonium.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (21)

Instrument: Drums (Concert Bass, Tom)


Native Island(s): Plant, Water, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Plant), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 16,000 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

Aquatic Pummels are gill-breathers. They soak themselves regularly to suck in a fresh load of Water and seal their mouths with Plant membranes. Like Noggins, Pummels are closely in tune with the Earth.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (22)

Instrument: Flute (Recorder)

Element/s: Air, Plant, Earth

Native Island(s): Water, Earth, Haven, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Air), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 18,750 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

Reedlings live and breathe music - literally. Somewhere in their evolution they forgot how to breathe through mouths and noses, so they developed flute-like breathing spines. Reedlings sometimes release the odd toot in their sleep.

  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Precious Puppies: Its Dawn of Fire incarnation resembles a buck-toothed puppy.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (23)

Instrument/s: Squishy Toy in Water, Suction Cups, Plungers

Element/s: Air, Earth, Water

Native Island(s): Air, Water, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Air), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 18,750 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

Versatile Scups can readily adhere to most any surface when the need arises. Generally, it prefers to remain on the Earth, as its Water-filled body is quite heavy. The Scups' remarkable feet use Air to produce a call that can travel vast distances.

  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (24)

Instrument: Whistle (done by Dave Kerr & Randy van der Vlag)


Native Island(s): Cold, Water, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Cold), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 16,000 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

The Spunge's Plant body is filled with inflatable chambers that can be filled with Air or Water. While singing, it uses Air to produce a pure whistling sound, but this Monster loves to aim and shoot a powerful jet of water at unsuspecting passersby.

  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.
  • The Prankster: Spunges like to shoot jets of water at unsuspecting monsters sometimes.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (25)

Instrument: Timpani

Element/s: Air, Plant, Cold

Native Island(s): Cold, Earth, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Cold), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 18,750 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

Thumpies are well-adapted to inter-dimensional travel, and can be found throughout the multi-verse. In fact, they even have their own game!

  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one third Air.
  • Green Thumb: Is one third Plant.
  • Spin-Off: They appear in their own game called Thumpies, as well as in My Mammott.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (26)

Instrument: Electric Drum Kit

Element/s: Earth, Water, Cold

Native Island(s): Plant, Air, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 3

Cost to Buy: 50 diamonds (Plant), 8,000 coins (Composer), 60 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 14,000 coins (Islands), 6,000 coins (Composer)

The T-Rox exudes enthusiasm and energy, displaying flashing spikelets and chomping jaws. Monsters with toes should steer well clear of the T-Rox.

  • Agony of the Feet: Its bio in the first game states that monsters with toes should “steer well clear of the T-Rox”, with the implication that their toes will be crushed under the T-Rox’s stomping, metal feet. Also, one of its possible random names is Toebegon (as in “Toes will be gone”).
  • An Ice Person: Is one third Cold.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one third Earth.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Has these, possibly because of its Cold element.
  • Making a Splash: Is one third Water.
  • Rock Monster: Its rocky appearance makes this the more obvious element compared to its Water and Cold parts.
  • Shout-Out: Its Rare's description paraphrases a famous quote from Jurassic Park.

    Bio: The Rare T-Rox has survived...clever monster.

Quad Element Monsters



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (27)

Voice Actor: Erick Desjardins

Element/s: Plant, Cold, Water, Earth

Native Island(s): Plant, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 4

Cost to Buy: 150 diamonds (Plant), 16,000 coins (Composer), 165 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 100,000 coins (Islands), 12,000 coins (Composer)

The complex combination of elements that produce an Entbrat result in a truly gentle giant. This massive Monster's great bellow vibrates the particles of the world from the clouds in the sky to the stones in the ground. Entbrats are not notably intelligent.

  • An Ice Person: Is one quarter Cold.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one quarter Earth.
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: The second game's bio almost says the trope name word for word.
  • Exposed Animal Belly Button: Entbrats have visible belly buttons.
  • Gentle Giant: Is described as one in its bio.
  • Glass Cannon: In Colossingum matchups, it has the highest Power stats out of any monster, allowing it to destroy a wide variety of opponents in one or two attacks, but also has the lowest Stamina stats among the Quad Element monsters, which, when paired with its multiple weaknesses, results in it going down quicker than the others.
  • Green Thumb: Is one quarter Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one quarter Water.
  • Plant Person: Has large, wooden horns and wears a pelt of leaves.
  • The Ditz: Downplayed somewhat. According to its bio from the original game "Entbrats are not notably intelligent".



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (28)

Instrument: Synthesized Drum Kit/Electric Synth

Element/s: Plant, Cold, Air, Water

Native Island(s): Cold, Shugabush, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 4

Cost to Buy: 150 diamonds (Cold), 16,000 coins (Composer), 700 diamonds, 165 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 112,500 (Islands), 12,000 coins (Composer)

The Deedge, attuned to the beat of the Earth, pulls together multiple elements to produce a complex beat. A tireless, energetic performer, it keeps all the Monsters dancing.

  • An Ice Person: Is one quarter Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one quarter Air.
  • Green Thumb: Is one quarter Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one quarter Water.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (29)

Instrument: Electric guitar

Element/s: Cold, Air, Water, Earth

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Earth, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 7

Beds Available: 4

Cost to Buy: 150 diamonds (Air), 16,000 coins (Composer), 165 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 112,500 coins (Islands), 12,000 coins (Composer)

Riffs are masterful musicians. Very little is known about these complex Monsters, but they do have some distinct and unusual habits. For example, Riffs use their flexible toes to select random objects from the ground which they inspect, then eat.

  • An Ice Person: Is one quarter Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one quarter Air.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one quarter Earth.
  • Making a Splash: Is one quarter Water.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (30)

Instrument: Acoustic Drum Kit

Element/s: Plant, Air, Water, Earth

Native Island(s): Water, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 4

Cost to Buy: 150 diamonds (Water), 16,000 coins (Composer), 165 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 112,500 coins (Islands), 12,000 coins (Composer)

Shellbeats are naturally shy and like to keep hidden away in their shells. When they are woken up by their neighbors' loud singing they tend to loosen up, come out of their shell, and play along as best they can with their aquatic drum set. Shellbeats have gotten pretty good at playing lately.

  • Blow You Away: Is one quarter Air.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one quarter Earth.
  • Green Thumb: Is one quarter Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one quarter Water.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Looks like a cross between a squid, a snail, and a fish, with a humanoid body. The rare Shellbeat swaps the snail shell for an oyster shell.
  • Perplexing Pearl Production: The rare Shellbeat makes pearls of "exceptional quality" with its shell, and gives them away as presents.
  • Cthulhumanoid: Has an appearance resembling Cthulhu, with tentacles on its face.



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (31)

Voice Actors: VST, Various Monster Handlers

Element/s: Plant, Cold, Air, Earth

Native Island(s): Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Earth, Tribal, Colossingum, Composer, Gold

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 4

Cost to Buy: 150 diamonds (Plant), 16,000 coins (Composer), 165 diamonds (Colossingum)

Cost to Sell: 112,500 coins (Islands), 12,000 coins (Composer)

The first stage of the Quarrister's life cycle begins deep underground. Each head is a separate creature, feeding on crystals and fending for themselves. Eventually, groups of heads band together and harmonize their efforts until they physically fuse together. Every once in a while, one of the Quarrister's voices will go for a solo, but that kind of behavior is usually seen as big-headed.

  • An Ice Person: Is one quarter Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one quarter Air.
  • Body Horror: The Epic is a disgustingly withered creature.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one quarter Earth.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Before fusing together, Quarrister heads feed on crystals underground.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Its bio in the first game says that the first stage of its life cycle begins with each of its six heads being its own creature, living deep underground, feeding on crystals until they band together and later fuse together. In both games, fused Quarristers are hatched from eggs.
  • Green Thumb: Is one quarter Plant.
  • Multiple Head Case: Six of them, all fused together. Whenever one sings a solo, it’s seen as big-headed.
  • Rock Monster: It's a large golem made of several rocks.
  • Stone Wall: In Colossingum matchups, it has the highest Stamina stats among any of the monsters, allowing it to tank a wide variety of attacks in spite of its multiple weaknesses, but also has the lowest Power stats out of all the Quad Element monsters.

Quint Element Monsters



My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (32)

Voice actors: Dave Kerr, Maggie Park

Element/s: Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Earth

Native Island(s): Oasis

Level Available: 9

Beds Available: 5

Cost to Buy: 500 Relics

Cost to Sell: 562,500 coins

Mimic!? What are you doing here? We now have substantial evidence that the shapeshifting Air Top Boss has been laying low in the Monster World ever since the Dawn of Fire, masquerading as its fellow Monsters. Previously, these imitations have extended only to appearance and sound, but now it seems like the Mimic is upping the ante and trying to pass itself off as a Relic-seeking Fire Monster. Those in the know are wise to its chicanery, but the rabble has been successfully duped - the trick has something to do with the mysterious atmosphere the Mimic can generate around itself, and the way light bends around it. That voice, though... there's no mistaking that voice.

  • An Ice Person: Is one fifth Cold.
  • Blow You Away: Is one fifth Air.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Is one fifth Earth.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Mimics other monsters on the islands it's on, Spurrit & Gobbleygourd on Fire Oasis, Bisonorus on Continent, and Fwog on Cave.
  • Green Thumb: Is one fifth Plant.
  • Making a Splash: Is one fifth Water.
My Singing Monsters - Natural Monsters / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)


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